THE KRISTET UTSEENDE · Sug och Fräls · 1996 · BONG 747

Bärs som bärs
Kairos fjollor
Tommy Tommy
Kristen tjackfabrik
En fet jävla holk
Piss-slickarn från
Bög i Buffalo

Originally released by Bel Produktion in 1994, reissued by
Massproduktion in 1996. Recorded by Patrik Sjölander and
Michael Kristmansson at Clav Studio in January 1994. Mixed
by Michael Kristmansson and The Kristet Utseende.

The Kristet Utseende:
Michel Holk Lansink - Guitar and backing vocals
Ulph Swenson - Drums and moffesnack
J. Chillum Fahlberg - Lead vocals and guitar
Mikael Bong Höglund - Bass and backing vocals

Anneli Hedström - violin on track 2
Kairos Fjollor - choir - Nicklas Westin, Lulla, and the Kristet